Documentation / devicetree / bindings / pinctrl / img,pistachio-pinctrl.txt

Based on kernel version 6.13. Page generated on 2025-01-21 08:20 EST.

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Imagination Technologies Pistachio SoC pin controllers

The pin controllers on Pistachio are a combined GPIO controller, (GPIO)
interrupt controller, and pinmux + pinconf device. The system ("east") pin
controller on Pistachio has 99 pins, 90 of which are MFIOs which can be
configured as GPIOs. The 90 GPIOs are divided into 6 banks of up to 16 GPIOs
each. The GPIO banks are represented as sub-nodes of the pad controller node.

Please refer to pinctrl-bindings.txt, ../gpio/gpio.txt, and
../interrupt-controller/interrupts.txt for generic information regarding
pin controller, GPIO, and interrupt bindings.

Required properties for pin controller node:
 - compatible: "img,pistachio-system-pinctrl".
 - reg: Address range of the pinctrl registers.

Required properties for GPIO bank sub-nodes:
 - interrupts: Interrupt line for the GPIO bank.
 - gpio-controller: Indicates the device is a GPIO controller.
 - #gpio-cells: Must be two. The first cell is the GPIO pin number and the
   second cell indicates the polarity. See <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h> for
   a list of possible values.
 - interrupt-controller: Indicates the device is an interrupt controller.
 - #interrupt-cells: Must be two. The first cell is the GPIO pin number and
   the second cell encodes the interrupt flags. See
   <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h> for a list of valid flags.

Note that the N GPIO bank sub-nodes *must* be named gpio0, gpio1, ... gpioN-1.

Required properties for pin configuration sub-nodes:
 - pins: List of pins to which the configuration applies. See below for a
   list of possible pins.

Optional properties for pin configuration sub-nodes:
 - function: Mux function for the specified pins. This is not applicable for
   non-MFIO pins. See below for a list of valid functions for each pin.
 - bias-high-impedance: Enable high-impedance mode.
 - bias-pull-up: Enable weak pull-up.
 - bias-pull-down: Enable weak pull-down.
 - bias-bus-hold: Enable bus-keeper mode.
 - drive-strength: Drive strength in mA. Supported values: 2, 4, 8, 12.
 - input-schmitt-enable: Enable Schmitt trigger.
 - input-schmitt-disable: Disable Schmitt trigger.
 - slew-rate: Slew rate control. 0 for slow, 1 for fast.

Pin		Functions
---		---------
mfio0		spim1
mfio1		spim1, spim0, uart1
mfio2		spim1, spim0, uart1
mfio3		spim1
mfio4		spim1
mfio5		spim1
mfio6		spim1
mfio7		spim1
mfio8		spim0
mfio9		spim0
mfio10		spim0
mfio11		spis
mfio12		spis
mfio13		spis
mfio14		spis
mfio15		sdhost, mips_trace_clk, mips_trace_data
mfio16		sdhost, mips_trace_dint, mips_trace_data
mfio17		sdhost, mips_trace_trigout, mips_trace_data
mfio18		sdhost, mips_trace_trigin, mips_trace_data
mfio19		sdhost, mips_trace_dm, mips_trace_data
mfio20		sdhost, mips_trace_probe_n, mips_trace_data
mfio21		sdhost, mips_trace_data
mfio22		sdhost, mips_trace_data
mfio23		sdhost
mfio24		sdhost
mfio25		sdhost
mfio26		sdhost
mfio27		sdhost
mfio28		i2c0, spim0
mfio29		i2c0, spim0
mfio30		i2c1, spim0
mfio31		i2c1, spim1
mfio32		i2c2
mfio33		i2c2
mfio34		i2c3
mfio35		i2c3
mfio36		i2s_out, audio_clk_in
mfio37		i2s_out, debug_raw_cca_ind
mfio38		i2s_out, debug_ed_sec20_cca_ind
mfio39		i2s_out, debug_ed_sec40_cca_ind
mfio40		i2s_out, debug_agc_done_0
mfio41		i2s_out, debug_agc_done_1
mfio42		i2s_out, debug_ed_cca_ind
mfio43		i2s_out, debug_s2l_done
mfio44		i2s_out
mfio45		i2s_dac_clk, audio_sync
mfio46		audio_trigger
mfio47		i2s_in
mfio48		i2s_in
mfio49		i2s_in
mfio50		i2s_in
mfio51		i2s_in
mfio52		i2s_in
mfio53		i2s_in
mfio54		i2s_in, spdif_in
mfio55		uart0, spim0, spim1
mfio56		uart0, spim0, spim1
mfio57		uart0, spim0, spim1
mfio58		uart0, spim1
mfio59		uart1
mfio60		uart1
mfio61		spdif_out
mfio62		spdif_in
mfio63		eth, mips_trace_clk, mips_trace_data
mfio64		eth, mips_trace_dint, mips_trace_data
mfio65		eth, mips_trace_trigout, mips_trace_data
mfio66		eth, mips_trace_trigin, mips_trace_data
mfio67		eth, mips_trace_dm, mips_trace_data
mfio68		eth, mips_trace_probe_n, mips_trace_data
mfio69		eth, mips_trace_data
mfio70		eth, mips_trace_data
mfio71		eth
mfio72		ir
mfio73		pwmpdm, mips_trace_clk, sram_debug
mfio74		pwmpdm, mips_trace_dint, sram_debug
mfio75		pwmpdm, mips_trace_trigout, rom_debug
mfio76		pwmpdm, mips_trace_trigin, rom_debug
mfio77		mdc_debug, mips_trace_dm, rpu_debug
mfio78		mdc_debug, mips_trace_probe_n, rpu_debug
mfio79		ddr_debug, mips_trace_data, mips_debug
mfio80		ddr_debug, mips_trace_data, mips_debug
mfio81		dreq0, mips_trace_data, eth_debug
mfio82		dreq1, mips_trace_data, eth_debug
mfio83		mips_pll_lock, mips_trace_data, usb_debug
mfio84		audio_pll_lock, mips_trace_data, usb_debug
mfio85		rpu_v_pll_lock, mips_trace_data, sdhost_debug
mfio86		rpu_l_pll_lock, mips_trace_data, sdhost_debug
mfio87		sys_pll_lock, dreq2, socif_debug
mfio88		wifi_pll_lock, dreq3, socif_debug
mfio89		bt_pll_lock, dreq4, dreq5

pinctrl@18101c00 {
	compatible = "img,pistachio-system-pinctrl";
	reg = <0x18101C00 0x400>;

	gpio0: gpio0 {
		interrupts = <GIC_SHARED 71 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		#gpio-cells = <2>;

		#interrupt-cells = <2>;


	gpio5: gpio5 {
		interrupts = <GIC_SHARED 76 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;

		#gpio-cells = <2>;

		#interrupt-cells = <2>;


	uart0_xfer: uart0-xfer {
		uart0-rxd {
			pins = "mfio55";
			function = "uart0";
		uart0-txd {
			pins = "mfio56";
			function = "uart0";

	uart0_rts_cts: uart0-rts-cts {
		uart0-rts {
			  pins = "mfio57";
			  function = "uart0";
		uart0-cts {
			  pins = "mfio58";
			  function = "uart0";

uart@... {
	pinctrl-names = "default";
	pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_xfer>, <&uart0_rts_cts>;

usb_vbus: fixed-regulator {
	gpio = <&gpio5 6 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;