Documentation / devicetree / bindings / interrupt-controller / mti,gic.yaml

Based on kernel version 6.13. Page generated on 2025-01-21 08:20 EST.

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
%YAML 1.2

title: MIPS Global Interrupt Controller

  - Paul Burton <>
  - Thomas Bogendoerfer <>

description: |
  The MIPS GIC routes external interrupts to individual VPEs and IRQ pins.
  It also supports local (per-processor) interrupts and software-generated
  interrupts which can be used as IPIs. The GIC also includes a free-running
  global timer, per-CPU count/compare timers, and a watchdog.

    const: mti,gic
    const: 3
    description: |
      The 1st cell is the type of interrupt: local or shared defined in the
      file 'dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/mips-gic.h'. The 2nd cell is the
      GIC interrupt number. The 3d cell encodes the interrupt flags setting up
      the IRQ trigger modes, which are defined in the file

    description: |
      Base address and length of the GIC registers space. If not present,
      the base address reported by the hardware GCR_GIC_BASE will be used.
    maxItems: 1

  interrupt-controller: true

    description: |
      Specifies the list of CPU interrupt vectors to which the GIC may not
      route interrupts. This property is ignored if the CPU is started in EIC
    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array
    minItems: 1
    maxItems: 6
    uniqueItems: true
      minimum: 2
      maximum: 7

    description: |
      Specifies the range of GIC interrupts that are reserved for IPIs.
      It accepts two values: the 1st is the starting interrupt and the 2nd is
      the size of the reserved range. If not specified, the driver will
      allocate the last (2 * number of VPEs in the system).
    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32-array
      - minimum: 0
        maximum: 254
      - minimum: 2
        maximum: 254

    type: object
    description: |
      MIPS GIC includes a free-running global timer, per-CPU count/compare
      timers, and a watchdog. Currently only the GIC Timer is supported.
        const: mti,gic-timer

        description: |
          Interrupt for the GIC local timer, so normally it's suppose to be of
          <GIC_LOCAL X IRQ_TYPE_NONE> format.
        maxItems: 1

        maxItems: 1

      clock-frequency: true

      - compatible
      - interrupts

      - required:
          - clocks
      - required:
          - clock-frequency

    additionalProperties: false

additionalProperties: false

  - compatible
  - "#interrupt-cells"
  - interrupt-controller

  - |
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/mips-gic.h>
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
    interrupt-controller@1bdc0000 {
      compatible = "mti,gic";
      reg = <0x1bdc0000 0x20000>;
      #interrupt-cells = <3>;
      mti,reserved-cpu-vectors = <7>;
      mti,reserved-ipi-vectors = <40 8>;
      timer {
        compatible = "mti,gic-timer";
        interrupts = <GIC_LOCAL 1 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>;
        clock-frequency = <50000000>;
  - |
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/mips-gic.h>
    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/irq.h>
    interrupt-controller@1bdc0000 {
      compatible = "mti,gic";
      reg = <0x1bdc0000 0x20000>;
      #interrupt-cells = <3>;
      timer {
        compatible = "mti,gic-timer";
        interrupts = <GIC_LOCAL 1 IRQ_TYPE_NONE>;
        clocks = <&cpu_pll>;
  - |
    interrupt-controller {
      compatible = "mti,gic";
      #interrupt-cells = <3>;