Documentation / arch / x86 / tsx_async_abort.rst

Based on kernel version 6.13. Page generated on 2025-01-21 08:20 EST.

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.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

TSX Async Abort (TAA) mitigation

.. _tsx_async_abort:


TSX Async Abort (TAA) is a side channel attack on internal buffers in some
Intel processors similar to Microachitectural Data Sampling (MDS).  In this
case certain loads may speculatively pass invalid data to dependent operations
when an asynchronous abort condition is pending in a Transactional
Synchronization Extensions (TSX) transaction.  This includes loads with no
fault or assist condition. Such loads may speculatively expose stale data from
the same uarch data structures as in MDS, with same scope of exposure i.e.
same-thread and cross-thread. This issue affects all current processors that
support TSX.

Mitigation strategy

a) TSX disable - one of the mitigations is to disable TSX. A new MSR
IA32_TSX_CTRL will be available in future and current processors after
microcode update which can be used to disable TSX. In addition, it
controls the enumeration of the TSX feature bits (RTM and HLE) in CPUID.

b) Clear CPU buffers - similar to MDS, clearing the CPU buffers mitigates this
vulnerability. More details on this approach can be found in
:ref:`Documentation/admin-guide/hw-vuln/mds.rst <mds>`.

Kernel internal mitigation modes

 =============    ============================================================
 off              Mitigation is disabled. Either the CPU is not affected or
                  tsx_async_abort=off is supplied on the kernel command line.

 tsx disabled     Mitigation is enabled. TSX feature is disabled by default at
                  bootup on processors that support TSX control.

 verw             Mitigation is enabled. CPU is affected and MD_CLEAR is
                  advertised in CPUID.

 ucode needed     Mitigation is enabled. CPU is affected and MD_CLEAR is not
                  advertised in CPUID. That is mainly for virtualization
                  scenarios where the host has the updated microcode but the
                  hypervisor does not expose MD_CLEAR in CPUID. It's a best
                  effort approach without guarantee.
 =============    ============================================================

If the CPU is affected and the "tsx_async_abort" kernel command line parameter is
not provided then the kernel selects an appropriate mitigation depending on the
status of RTM and MD_CLEAR CPUID bits.

Below tables indicate the impact of tsx=on|off|auto cmdline options on state of
TAA mitigation, VERW behavior and TSX feature for various combinations of

1. "tsx=off"

=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================
MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES bits     Result with cmdline tsx=off
----------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAA_NO     MDS_NO     TSX_CTRL_MSR  TSX state     VERW can clear  TAA mitigation       TAA mitigation
                                    after bootup  CPU buffers     tsx_async_abort=off  tsx_async_abort=full
=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================
    0          0           0         HW default         Yes           Same as MDS           Same as MDS
    0          0           1        Invalid case   Invalid case       Invalid case          Invalid case
    0          1           0         HW default         No         Need ucode update     Need ucode update
    0          1           1          Disabled          Yes           TSX disabled          TSX disabled
    1          X           1          Disabled           X             None needed           None needed
=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================

2. "tsx=on"

=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================
MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES bits     Result with cmdline tsx=on
----------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAA_NO     MDS_NO     TSX_CTRL_MSR  TSX state     VERW can clear  TAA mitigation       TAA mitigation
                                    after bootup  CPU buffers     tsx_async_abort=off  tsx_async_abort=full
=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================
    0          0           0         HW default        Yes            Same as MDS          Same as MDS
    0          0           1        Invalid case   Invalid case       Invalid case         Invalid case
    0          1           0         HW default        No          Need ucode update     Need ucode update
    0          1           1          Enabled          Yes               None              Same as MDS
    1          X           1          Enabled          X              None needed          None needed
=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================

3. "tsx=auto"

=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================
MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES bits     Result with cmdline tsx=auto
----------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
TAA_NO     MDS_NO     TSX_CTRL_MSR  TSX state     VERW can clear  TAA mitigation       TAA mitigation
                                    after bootup  CPU buffers     tsx_async_abort=off  tsx_async_abort=full
=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================
    0          0           0         HW default    Yes                Same as MDS           Same as MDS
    0          0           1        Invalid case  Invalid case        Invalid case          Invalid case
    0          1           0         HW default    No              Need ucode update     Need ucode update
    0          1           1          Disabled      Yes               TSX disabled          TSX disabled
    1          X           1          Enabled       X                 None needed           None needed
=========  =========  ============  ============  ==============  ===================  ======================

In the tables, TSX_CTRL_MSR is a new bit in MSR_IA32_ARCH_CAPABILITIES that
indicates whether MSR_IA32_TSX_CTRL is supported.

There are two control bits in IA32_TSX_CTRL MSR:

      Bit 0: When set it disables the Restricted Transactional Memory (RTM)
             sub-feature of TSX (will force all transactions to abort on the
             XBEGIN instruction).

      Bit 1: When set it disables the enumeration of the RTM and HLE feature
             (i.e. it will make CPUID(EAX=7).EBX{bit4} and
             CPUID(EAX=7).EBX{bit11} read as 0).