Documentation / networking / devlink / mlxsw.rst

Based on kernel version 6.13. Page generated on 2025-01-21 08:21 EST.

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.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

mlxsw devlink support

This document describes the devlink features implemented by the ``mlxsw``
device driver.


.. list-table:: Generic parameters implemented

   * - Name
     - Mode
   * - ``fw_load_policy``
     - driverinit

The ``mlxsw`` driver also implements the following driver-specific

.. list-table:: Driver-specific parameters implemented
   :widths: 5 5 5 85

   * - Name
     - Type
     - Mode
     - Description
   * - ``acl_region_rehash_interval``
     - u32
     - runtime
     - Sets an interval for periodic ACL region rehashes. The value is
       specified in milliseconds, with a minimum of ``3000``. The value of
       ``0`` disables periodic work entirely. The first rehash will be run
       immediately after the value is set.

The ``mlxsw`` driver supports reloading via ``DEVLINK_CMD_RELOAD``

Info versions

The ``mlxsw`` driver reports the following versions

.. list-table:: devlink info versions implemented
   :widths: 5 5 90

   * - Name
     - Type
     - Description
   * - ``hw.revision``
     - fixed
     - The hardware revision for this board
   * - ``fw.psid``
     - fixed
     - Firmware PSID
   * - ``fw.version``
     - running
     - Three digit firmware version

Line card auxiliary device info versions

The ``mlxsw`` driver reports the following versions for line card auxiliary device

.. list-table:: devlink info versions implemented
   :widths: 5 5 90

   * - Name
     - Type
     - Description
   * - ``hw.revision``
     - fixed
     - The hardware revision for this line card
   * - ``ini.version``
     - running
     - Version of line card INI loaded
   * - ``fw.psid``
     - fixed
     - Line card device PSID
   * - ``fw.version``
     - running
     - Three digit firmware version of line card device

Driver-specific Traps

.. list-table:: List of Driver-specific Traps Registered by ``mlxsw``
   :widths: 5 5 90

   * - Name
     - Type
     - Description
   * - ``irif_disabled``
     - ``drop``
     - Traps packets that the device decided to drop because they need to be
       routed from a disabled router interface (RIF). This can happen during
       RIF dismantle, when the RIF is first disabled before being removed
   * - ``erif_disabled``
     - ``drop``
     - Traps packets that the device decided to drop because they need to be
       routed through a disabled router interface (RIF). This can happen during
       RIF dismantle, when the RIF is first disabled before being removed