Documentation / bpf /

Based on kernel version 6.8. Page generated on 2024-03-11 21:26 EST.

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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
// Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Isovalent, Inc.
digraph {
  node [colorscheme=accent4,style=filled] # Apply colorscheme to all nodes
  graph [splines=ortho, nodesep=1]
  subgraph cluster_key {
    label = "Key\n(locks held during operation)";
    rankdir = TB;
    remote_lock [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=4,label="remote CPU LRU lock"]
    hash_lock [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=3,label="hashtab lock"]
    lru_lock [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=2,label="LRU lock"]
    local_lock [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=1,label="local CPU LRU lock"]
    no_lock [shape=rectangle,label="no locks held"]
  begin [shape=oval,label="begin\nbpf_map_update()"]
  // Nodes below with an 'fn_' prefix are roughly labeled by the C function
  // names that initiate the corresponding logic in kernel/bpf/bpf_lru_list.c.
  // Number suffixes and errno suffixes handle subsections of the corresponding
  // logic in the function as of the writing of this dot.
  // cf. __local_list_pop_free() / bpf_percpu_lru_pop_free()
  local_freelist_check [shape=diamond,fillcolor=1,
    label="Local freelist\nnode available?"];
  use_local_node [shape=rectangle,
    label="Use node owned\nby this CPU"]
  // cf. bpf_lru_pop_free()
  common_lru_check [shape=diamond,
    label="Map created with\ncommon LRU?\n(!BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU)"];
  fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=2,
    label="Flush local pending,
    Rotate Global list, move
    from global -> local"]
  // Also corresponds to:
  // fn__local_list_flush()
  // fn_bpf_lru_list_rotate()
    label="Able to free\nLOCAL_FREE_TARGET\nnodes?"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink_inactive [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=3,
    label="Shrink inactive list
      up to remaining
      (global LRU -> local)"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink [shape=diamond,fillcolor=2,
    label="> 0 entries in\nlocal free list?"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink2 [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=2,
    label="Steal one node from
      inactive, or if empty,
      from active global list"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink3 [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=3,
    label="Try to remove\nnode from hashtab"]
  local_freelist_check2 [shape=diamond,label="Htab removal\nsuccessful?"]
  common_lru_check2 [shape=diamond,
    label="Map created with\ncommon LRU?\n(!BPF_F_NO_COMMON_LRU)"];
  subgraph cluster_remote_lock {
    label = "Iterate through CPUs\n(start from current)";
    style = dashed;
    local_freelist_check5 [shape=diamond,fillcolor=4,
      label="Steal a node from\nper-cpu freelist?"]
    local_freelist_check6 [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=4,
      label="Steal a node from
        (1) Unreferenced pending, or
        (2) Any pending node"]
    local_freelist_check7 [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=3,
      label="Try to remove\nnode from hashtab"]
    fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem [shape=diamond,
      label="Stole node\nfrom remote\nCPU?"]
    fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem2 [shape=diamond,label="Iterated\nall CPUs?"]
    // Also corresponds to:
    // use_local_node()
    // fn__local_list_pop_pending()
  fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local2 [shape=rectangle,
    label="Use node that was\nnot recently referenced"]
  local_freelist_check4 [shape=rectangle,
    label="Use node that was\nactively referenced\nin global list"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOMEM [shape=oval,label="return -ENOMEM"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem3 [shape=rectangle,
    label="Use node that was\nactively referenced\nin (another?) CPU's cache"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4 [shape=rectangle,fillcolor=3,
    label="Update hashmap\nwith new element"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem5 [shape=oval,label="return 0"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_EBUSY [shape=oval,label="return -EBUSY"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_EEXIST [shape=oval,label="return -EEXIST"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOENT [shape=oval,label="return -ENOENT"]
  begin -> local_freelist_check
  local_freelist_check -> use_local_node [xlabel="Y"]
  local_freelist_check -> common_lru_check [xlabel="N"]
  common_lru_check -> fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local [xlabel="Y"]
  common_lru_check -> fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink_inactive [xlabel="N"]
  fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local -> fn___bpf_lru_node_move_to_free
  fn___bpf_lru_node_move_to_free ->
    fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local2 [xlabel="Y"]
  fn___bpf_lru_node_move_to_free ->
    fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink_inactive [xlabel="N"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink_inactive -> fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink -> fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local2 [xlabel = "Y"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink -> fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink2 [xlabel="N"]
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink2 -> fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink3
  fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink3 -> local_freelist_check2
  local_freelist_check2 -> local_freelist_check4 [xlabel = "Y"]
  local_freelist_check2 -> common_lru_check2 [xlabel = "N"]
  common_lru_check2 -> local_freelist_check5 [xlabel = "Y"]
  common_lru_check2 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOMEM [xlabel = "N"]
  local_freelist_check5 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem [xlabel = "Y"]
  local_freelist_check5 -> local_freelist_check6 [xlabel = "N"]
  local_freelist_check6 -> local_freelist_check7
  local_freelist_check7 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem3 [xlabel = "Y"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem2  [xlabel = "N"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem2 ->
    fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOMEM [xlabel = "Y"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem2 -> local_freelist_check5 [xlabel = "N"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem3 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4
  use_local_node -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4
  fn_bpf_lru_list_pop_free_to_local2 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4
  local_freelist_check4 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem5 [headlabel="Success"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4 ->
    fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_EBUSY [xlabel="Hashtab lock failed"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4 ->
    fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_EEXIST [xlabel="BPF_EXIST set and\nkey already exists"]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4 ->
    fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOENT [headlabel="BPF_NOEXIST set\nand no such entry"]
  // Create invisible pad nodes to line up various nodes
  pad0 [style=invis]
  pad1 [style=invis]
  pad2 [style=invis]
  pad3 [style=invis]
  pad4 [style=invis]
  // Line up the key with the top of the graph
  no_lock -> local_lock [style=invis]
  local_lock -> lru_lock [style=invis]
  lru_lock -> hash_lock [style=invis]
  hash_lock -> remote_lock [style=invis]
  remote_lock -> local_freelist_check5 [style=invis]
  remote_lock -> fn___bpf_lru_list_shrink [style=invis]
  // Line up return code nodes at the bottom of the graph
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem -> pad0 [style=invis]
  pad0 -> pad1 [style=invis]
  pad1 -> pad2 [style=invis]
  //pad2-> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOMEM [style=invis]
  fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem4 -> pad3 [style=invis]
  pad3 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem5  [style=invis]
  pad3 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_EBUSY  [style=invis]
  pad3 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_EEXIST  [style=invis]
  pad3 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem_ENOENT  [style=invis]
  // Reduce diagram width by forcing some nodes to appear above others
  local_freelist_check4 -> fn_htab_lru_map_update_elem3 [style=invis]
  common_lru_check2 -> pad4 [style=invis]
  pad4 -> local_freelist_check5 [style=invis]