Mauriat Miranda     mjmwired

Consult Not Your Fears

I saw this in someone else's cubicle. I found it so relevant, that I had to take a Post-It (tm) note and jot it down. "Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do." Pope John XXIII

Soccer Philosophy

Overheard: "Sometimes I see girls on the soccer team who won't even attempt to go for the ball. They stand and watch it go into the net thinking that there's no way they could save it. I've always said that no matter how impossible the shot is or how unlikely it is you could prevent it from going in, you should always go for it. I mean there have been times that I've personally gone for the ball and I thought there was nooo way in the world I could make it or save it and somehow I did.

Why the Schools?

I'm beyond disgusted at this turn of events. I heard it a day or so ago, but never expected it to end so poorly. A group of 40 children broke out of the school. Terrorists started firing at them, and armed bystanders in turn shot at the hostage-takers, he said. The terrorists responded by detonating a bomb that partly destroyed the roof of the school. Shoot at kids? So what do we hold sacred?

Direction Maybe?

Well, no serious entries lately. I guess I've been busy, or rather putting some serious time "investment" into myself. What does that mean exactly? Please ask. ... Anyways, I'm on a definite up swing. I don't want to jinx it, but then, I seriously doubt that's possible. Simply because I don't feel like it's luck entirely, more like comeupance. Anyways, of the many things I dabble with or get myself involved with, one of them was bound to get a little more attention than the others.

Greed, Infidelity, Vengeance, and Stupidity

I very much enjoyed watching Matchstick Men, with Nicolas Cage as a brilliant con artist. One of the more truthful aspects of the movie was how con men always appeal to greed in their victims. Everyone's a fool, but when put forth the offer of "something for nothing", the weekminded (read: "greedy") become a fool's fool. So on the rare occasions I listen to the radio on thursday mornings, I sometimes catch War of The Roses on 95.