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Documentation / input / cd32.txt

Based on kernel version 4.10.8. Page generated on 2017-04-01 14:43 EST.

1	I have written a small patch that let's me use my Amiga CD32
2	joypad connected to the parallel port. Thought I'd share it with you so
3	you can add it to the list of supported joysticks (hopefully someone will
4	find it useful).
6	It needs the following wiring:
8	CD32 pad   |   Parallel port
9	----------------------------
10	1 (Up)     |    2 (D0)
11	2 (Down)   |    3 (D1)
12	3 (Left)   |    4 (D2)
13	4 (Right)  |    5 (D3)
14	5 (Fire3)  |   14 (AUTOFD)
15	6 (Fire1)  |   17 (SELIN)
16	7 (+5V)    |    1 (STROBE)
17	8 (Gnd)    |   18 (Gnd)
18	9 (Fire2)  |    7 (D5)
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