Documentation / devicetree / bindings / security / tpm / tpm_tis_spi.txt

Based on kernel version 6.7. Page generated on 2024-01-11 08:51 EST.

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Required properties:
- compatible: should be one of the following
- spi-max-frequency: Maximum SPI frequency (depends on TPMs).

Optional SoC Specific Properties:
- pinctrl-names: Contains only one value - "default".
- pintctrl-0: Specifies the pin control groups used for this controller.

Example (for ARM-based BeagleBoard xM with TPM_TIS on SPI4):

&mcspi4 {

        tpm_tis@0 {

                compatible = "tcg,tpm_tis-spi";

                spi-max-frequency = <10000000>;