Mauriat Miranda     mjmwired

Grilled to Perfection

Someone I know once worked at a hardware store and during the summer a few years ago, like any other summer, there were gas grills on sale. So he convinced his father to buy one. His father apparently thought they were a bit too pricey but after some negotiation and discounting, a sale was finally made. The grill was rather large so I helped him out to transport it and assemble it.

Remember the Name

I think it was 1996 and someone whose opinion I valued, asked me what my greatest fear was. I answered that outside of closest monsters, laughing hyenas or having to shave my legs, that I feared being forgotten. Granted it was a very common response, so I would guess its a common fear. Whether or not it is genuine for others is beyond me. So for Memorial Day weekend I went (with my family) to one of the usual places I "

Unique Opportunity

Even though I do have various degrees of experience across different software, I still consider myself somewhat of a junior engineer. Someone somewhere thought differently. So a "roster" of people was drafted for some workshops in Germany. One person's personal trip was already preplaned, hence he was out (you know who you are). Many people had passport or visa issues and in the end, given the last minute nature, only a subset was able to go.

A Hobby

I was having lunch a few weeks ago like normal and the subject of taxes arose. Someone, who was a little new to my lunch crowd, asked if anyone knew of any tax preparation classes that one can take to better learn how to process tax forms. (So this guy needs help with taxes.) I told him my general advice to look online or and obtain information himself. If he's not confident to look to some some software like TurboTax or Taxcut etc.

A Little Bit OCD

Whenever I have multiple denominations of bills in my wallet, I have to have them stacked in order, a special order. At the bottom are the $20's, then come the $10's, then $5's and $1's respectively. If there are multiples of the same bill, the cleaner ones go to the bottom and the uglier ones near the top. They all have to line up perfectly and no bill can be folded, crooked or have its edges leafed inwards.