Documentation / firmware-guide / acpi / apei / output_format.rst

Based on kernel version 6.13. Page generated on 2025-01-21 08:21 EST.

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.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0

APEI output format

APEI uses printk as hardware error reporting interface, the output
format is as follow::

        <error record> :=
        APEI generic hardware error status
        severity: <integer>, <severity string>
        section: <integer>, severity: <integer>, <severity string>
        flags: <integer>
        <section flags strings>
        fru_id: <uuid string>
        fru_text: <string>
        section_type: <section type string>
        <section data>

        <severity string>* := recoverable | fatal | corrected | info

        <section flags strings># :=
        [primary][, containment warning][, reset][, threshold exceeded]\
        [, resource not accessible][, latent error]

        <section type string> := generic processor error | memory error | \
        PCIe error | unknown, <uuid string>

        <section data> :=
        <generic processor section data> | <memory section data> | \
        <pcie section data> | <null>

        <generic processor section data> :=
        [processor_type: <integer>, <proc type string>]
        [processor_isa: <integer>, <proc isa string>]
        [error_type: <integer>
        <proc error type strings>]
        [operation: <integer>, <proc operation string>]
        [flags: <integer>
        <proc flags strings>]
        [level: <integer>]
        [version_info: <integer>]
        [processor_id: <integer>]
        [target_address: <integer>]
        [requestor_id: <integer>]
        [responder_id: <integer>]
        [IP: <integer>]

        <proc type string>* := IA32/X64 | IA64

        <proc isa string>* := IA32 | IA64 | X64

        <processor error type strings># :=
        [cache error][, TLB error][, bus error][, micro-architectural error]

        <proc operation string>* := unknown or generic | data read | data write | \
        instruction execution

        <proc flags strings># :=
        [restartable][, precise IP][, overflow][, corrected]

        <memory section data> :=
        [error_status: <integer>]
        [physical_address: <integer>]
        [physical_address_mask: <integer>]
        [node: <integer>]
        [card: <integer>]
        [module: <integer>]
        [bank: <integer>]
        [device: <integer>]
        [row: <integer>]
        [column: <integer>]
        [bit_position: <integer>]
        [requestor_id: <integer>]
        [responder_id: <integer>]
        [target_id: <integer>]
        [error_type: <integer>, <mem error type string>]

        <mem error type string>* :=
        unknown | no error | single-bit ECC | multi-bit ECC | \
        single-symbol chipkill ECC | multi-symbol chipkill ECC | master abort | \
        target abort | parity error | watchdog timeout | invalid address | \
        mirror Broken | memory sparing | scrub corrected error | \
        scrub uncorrected error

        <pcie section data> :=
        [port_type: <integer>, <pcie port type string>]
        [version: <integer>.<integer>]
        [command: <integer>, status: <integer>]
        [device_id: <integer>:<integer>:<integer>.<integer>
        slot: <integer>
        secondary_bus: <integer>
        vendor_id: <integer>, device_id: <integer>
        class_code: <integer>]
        [serial number: <integer>, <integer>]
        [bridge: secondary_status: <integer>, control: <integer>]
        [aer_status: <integer>, aer_mask: <integer>
        <aer status string>
        [aer_uncor_severity: <integer>]
        aer_layer=<aer layer string>, aer_agent=<aer agent string>
        aer_tlp_header: <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>]

        <pcie port type string>* := PCIe end point | legacy PCI end point | \
        unknown | unknown | root port | upstream switch port | \
        downstream switch port | PCIe to PCI/PCI-X bridge | \
        PCI/PCI-X to PCIe bridge | root complex integrated endpoint device | \
        root complex event collector

        if section severity is fatal or recoverable
        <aer status string># :=
        unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | Data Link Protocol | \
        unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | \
        Poisoned TLP | Flow Control Protocol | Completion Timeout | \
        Completer Abort | Unexpected Completion | Receiver Overflow | \
        Malformed TLP | ECRC | Unsupported Request
        <aer status string># :=
        Receiver Error | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | unknown | \
        Bad TLP | Bad DLLP | RELAY_NUM Rollover | unknown | unknown | unknown | \
        Replay Timer Timeout | Advisory Non-Fatal

        <aer layer string> :=
        Physical Layer | Data Link Layer | Transaction Layer

        <aer agent string> :=
        Receiver ID | Requester ID | Completer ID | Transmitter ID

Where, [] designate corresponding content is optional

All <field string> description with * has the following format::

        field: <integer>, <field string>

Where value of <integer> should be the position of "string" in <field
string> description. Otherwise, <field string> will be "unknown".

All <field strings> description with # has the following format::

        field: <integer>
        <field strings>

Where each string in <fields strings> corresponding to one set bit of
<integer>. The bit position is the position of "string" in <field
strings> description.

For more detailed explanation of every field, please refer to UEFI
specification version 2.3 or later, section Appendix N: Common
Platform Error Record.