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Documentation / filesystems / nfs41-server.txt

Based on kernel version 2.6.32. Page generated on 2009-12-11 16:22 EST.

1	NFSv4.1 Server Implementation
3	Server support for minorversion 1 can be controlled using the
4	/proc/fs/nfsd/versions control file.  The string output returned
5	by reading this file will contain either "+4.1" or "-4.1"
6	correspondingly.
8	Currently, server support for minorversion 1 is disabled by default.
9	It can be enabled at run time by writing the string "+4.1" to
10	the /proc/fs/nfsd/versions control file.  Note that to write this
11	control file, the nfsd service must be taken down.  Use your user-mode
12	nfs-utils to set this up; see rpc.nfsd(8)
14	(Warning: older servers will interpret "+4.1" and "-4.1" as "+4" and
15	"-4", respectively.  Therefore, code meant to work on both new and old
16	kernels must turn 4.1 on or off *before* turning support for version 4
17	on or off; rpc.nfsd does this correctly.)
19	The NFSv4 minorversion 1 (NFSv4.1) implementation in nfsd is based
20	on the latest NFSv4.1 Internet Draft:
21	http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-nfsv4-minorversion1-29
23	From the many new features in NFSv4.1 the current implementation
24	focuses on the mandatory-to-implement NFSv4.1 Sessions, providing
25	"exactly once" semantics and better control and throttling of the
26	resources allocated for each client.
28	Other NFSv4.1 features, Parallel NFS operations in particular,
29	are still under development out of tree.
30	See http://wiki.linux-nfs.org/wiki/index.php/PNFS_prototype_design
31	for more information.
33	The current implementation is intended for developers only: while it
34	does support ordinary file operations on clients we have tested against
35	(including the linux client), it is incomplete in ways which may limit
36	features unexpectedly, cause known bugs in rare cases, or cause
37	interoperability problems with future clients.  Known issues:
39		- gss support is questionable: currently mounts with kerberos
40		  from a linux client are possible, but we aren't really
41		  conformant with the spec (for example, we don't use kerberos
42		  on the backchannel correctly).
43		- no trunking support: no clients currently take advantage of
44		  trunking, but this is a mandatory failure, and its use is
45		  recommended to clients in a number of places.  (E.g. to ensure
46		  timely renewal in case an existing connection's retry timeouts
47		  have gotten too long; see section 8.3 of the draft.)
48		  Therefore, lack of this feature may cause future clients to
49		  fail.
50		- Incomplete backchannel support: incomplete backchannel gss
51		  support and no support for BACKCHANNEL_CTL mean that
52		  callbacks (hence delegations and layouts) may not be
53		  available and clients confused by the incomplete
54		  implementation may fail.
55		- Server reboot recovery is unsupported; if the server reboots,
56		  clients may fail.
57		- We do not support SSV, which provides security for shared
58		  client-server state (thus preventing unauthorized tampering
59		  with locks and opens, for example).  It is mandatory for
60		  servers to support this, though no clients use it yet.
61		- Mandatory operations which we do not support, such as
63		  TEST_STATEID, are not currently used by clients, but will be
64		  (and the spec recommends their uses in common cases), and
65		  clients should not be expected to know how to recover from the
66		  case where they are not supported.  This will eventually cause
67		  interoperability failures.
69	In addition, some limitations are inherited from the current NFSv4
70	implementation:
72		- Incomplete delegation enforcement: if a file is renamed or
73		  unlinked, a client holding a delegation may continue to
74		  indefinitely allow opens of the file under the old name.
76	The table below, taken from the NFSv4.1 document, lists
77	the operations that are mandatory to implement (REQ), optional
78	(OPT), and NFSv4.0 operations that are required not to implement (MNI)
79	in minor version 1.  The first column indicates the operations that
80	are not supported yet by the linux server implementation.
82	The OPTIONAL features identified and their abbreviations are as follows:
83		pNFS	Parallel NFS
84		FDELG	File Delegations
85		DDELG	Directory Delegations
87	The following abbreviations indicate the linux server implementation status.
88		I	Implemented NFSv4.1 operations.
89		NS	Not Supported.
90		NS*	unimplemented optional feature.
91		P	pNFS features implemented out of tree.
92		PNS	pNFS features that are not supported yet (out of tree).
94	Operations
96	   +----------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+
97	   | Operation            | REQ, REC,  | Feature      | Definition     |
98	   |                      | OPT, or    | (REQ, REC,   |                |
99	   |                      | MNI        | or OPT)      |                |
100	   +----------------------+------------+--------------+----------------+
101	   | ACCESS               | REQ        |              | Section 18.1   |
102	NS | BACKCHANNEL_CTL      | REQ        |              | Section 18.33  |
103	NS | BIND_CONN_TO_SESSION | REQ        |              | Section 18.34  |
104	   | CLOSE                | REQ        |              | Section 18.2   |
105	   | COMMIT               | REQ        |              | Section 18.3   |
106	   | CREATE               | REQ        |              | Section 18.4   |
107	I  | CREATE_SESSION       | REQ        |              | Section 18.36  |
108	NS*| DELEGPURGE           | OPT        | FDELG (REQ)  | Section 18.5   |
109	   | DELEGRETURN          | OPT        | FDELG,       | Section 18.6   |
110	   |                      |            | DDELG, pNFS  |                |
111	   |                      |            | (REQ)        |                |
112	NS | DESTROY_CLIENTID     | REQ        |              | Section 18.50  |
113	I  | DESTROY_SESSION      | REQ        |              | Section 18.37  |
114	I  | EXCHANGE_ID          | REQ        |              | Section 18.35  |
115	NS | FREE_STATEID         | REQ        |              | Section 18.38  |
116	   | GETATTR              | REQ        |              | Section 18.7   |
117	P  | GETDEVICEINFO        | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.40  |
118	P  | GETDEVICELIST        | OPT        | pNFS (OPT)   | Section 18.41  |
119	   | GETFH                | REQ        |              | Section 18.8   |
120	NS*| GET_DIR_DELEGATION   | OPT        | DDELG (REQ)  | Section 18.39  |
121	P  | LAYOUTCOMMIT         | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.42  |
122	P  | LAYOUTGET            | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.43  |
123	P  | LAYOUTRETURN         | OPT        | pNFS (REQ)   | Section 18.44  |
124	   | LINK                 | OPT        |              | Section 18.9   |
125	   | LOCK                 | REQ        |              | Section 18.10  |
126	   | LOCKT                | REQ        |              | Section 18.11  |
127	   | LOCKU                | REQ        |              | Section 18.12  |
128	   | LOOKUP               | REQ        |              | Section 18.13  |
129	   | LOOKUPP              | REQ        |              | Section 18.14  |
130	   | NVERIFY              | REQ        |              | Section 18.15  |
131	   | OPEN                 | REQ        |              | Section 18.16  |
132	NS*| OPENATTR             | OPT        |              | Section 18.17  |
133	   | OPEN_CONFIRM         | MNI        |              | N/A            |
134	   | OPEN_DOWNGRADE       | REQ        |              | Section 18.18  |
135	   | PUTFH                | REQ        |              | Section 18.19  |
136	   | PUTPUBFH             | REQ        |              | Section 18.20  |
137	   | PUTROOTFH            | REQ        |              | Section 18.21  |
138	   | READ                 | REQ        |              | Section 18.22  |
139	   | READDIR              | REQ        |              | Section 18.23  |
140	   | READLINK             | OPT        |              | Section 18.24  |
141	NS | RECLAIM_COMPLETE     | REQ        |              | Section 18.51  |
142	   | RELEASE_LOCKOWNER    | MNI        |              | N/A            |
143	   | REMOVE               | REQ        |              | Section 18.25  |
144	   | RENAME               | REQ        |              | Section 18.26  |
145	   | RENEW                | MNI        |              | N/A            |
146	   | RESTOREFH            | REQ        |              | Section 18.27  |
147	   | SAVEFH               | REQ        |              | Section 18.28  |
148	   | SECINFO              | REQ        |              | Section 18.29  |
149	NS | SECINFO_NO_NAME      | REC        | pNFS files   | Section 18.45, |
150	   |                      |            | layout (REQ) | Section 13.12  |
151	I  | SEQUENCE             | REQ        |              | Section 18.46  |
152	   | SETATTR              | REQ        |              | Section 18.30  |
153	   | SETCLIENTID          | MNI        |              | N/A            |
154	   | SETCLIENTID_CONFIRM  | MNI        |              | N/A            |
155	NS | SET_SSV              | REQ        |              | Section 18.47  |
156	NS | TEST_STATEID         | REQ        |              | Section 18.48  |
157	   | VERIFY               | REQ        |              | Section 18.31  |
158	NS*| WANT_DELEGATION      | OPT        | FDELG (OPT)  | Section 18.49  |
159	   | WRITE                | REQ        |              | Section 18.32  |
161	Callback Operations
163	   +-------------------------+-----------+-------------+---------------+
164	   | Operation               | REQ, REC, | Feature     | Definition    |
165	   |                         | OPT, or   | (REQ, REC,  |               |
166	   |                         | MNI       | or OPT)     |               |
167	   +-------------------------+-----------+-------------+---------------+
168	   | CB_GETATTR              | OPT       | FDELG (REQ) | Section 20.1  |
169	P  | CB_LAYOUTRECALL         | OPT       | pNFS (REQ)  | Section 20.3  |
170	NS*| CB_NOTIFY               | OPT       | DDELG (REQ) | Section 20.4  |
171	P  | CB_NOTIFY_DEVICEID      | OPT       | pNFS (OPT)  | Section 20.12 |
172	NS*| CB_NOTIFY_LOCK          | OPT       |             | Section 20.11 |
173	NS*| CB_PUSH_DELEG           | OPT       | FDELG (OPT) | Section 20.5  |
174	   | CB_RECALL               | OPT       | FDELG,      | Section 20.2  |
175	   |                         |           | DDELG, pNFS |               |
176	   |                         |           | (REQ)       |               |
177	NS*| CB_RECALL_ANY           | OPT       | FDELG,      | Section 20.6  |
178	   |                         |           | DDELG, pNFS |               |
179	   |                         |           | (REQ)       |               |
180	NS | CB_RECALL_SLOT          | REQ       |             | Section 20.8  |
181	NS*| CB_RECALLABLE_OBJ_AVAIL | OPT       | DDELG, pNFS | Section 20.7  |
182	   |                         |           | (REQ)       |               |
183	I  | CB_SEQUENCE             | OPT       | FDELG,      | Section 20.9  |
184	   |                         |           | DDELG, pNFS |               |
185	   |                         |           | (REQ)       |               |
186	NS*| CB_WANTS_CANCELLED      | OPT       | FDELG,      | Section 20.10 |
187	   |                         |           | DDELG, pNFS |               |
188	   |                         |           | (REQ)       |               |
189	   +-------------------------+-----------+-------------+---------------+
191	Implementation notes:
194	* mandatory only for servers that support CLAIM_DELEGATE_PREV and/or
195	  CLAIM_DELEG_PREV_FH (which allows clients to keep delegations that
196	  persist across client reboots).  Thus we need not implement this for
197	  now.
200	* only SP4_NONE state protection supported
201	* implementation ids are ignored
204	* backchannel attributes are ignored
205	* backchannel security parameters are ignored
208	* no support for dynamic slot table renegotiation (optional)
210	nfsv4.1 COMPOUND rules:
211	The following cases aren't supported yet:
214	* DESTROY_SESSION MUST be the final operation in the COMPOUND request.
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