Sun Java Changes
Sun has made a significant step for providing users and developers better access and freedom with Java. Sun announced this week they will be open sourcing key parts of Java under the GPL. In effect most users should not see a direct impact on their Java usage, however in the long term Java will have a more widespread usage, subject to fewer problem and more readily available on different systems.
Linux Kernel Documentation
Within every release of the official kernel source from there is a provided /Documentation directory. This directory contains various notes, guides, tips, documentation, explanations and otherwise useful information. Majority of this content is provided in pure text format.
I thought it would be convenient if I could navigate through this infomation on the internet. So I decided to host it myself.
Information on my Kernel Documentation pages
Linux Kernel Documentation
Using Alternate Compilers
Users of Fedora Core 4, SuSE 10.0 and other distributions with GCC v4 may have found some open source softwares may not compile properly. Using alternate compilers may resolve the problem. FC4 also ships with GCC v3.2. There are many ways to specify alternate compilers during the build process, below are some ways.
Environment Variables
Most softwares support the CC and CXX environment variables. First assign them, then run configure or make.