Download Older Versions of Fedora
A frequently asked question is: Where can I find a specific older version of Fedora? The correct answer is: If you CANNOT find it on the official Fedora Mirror List, then chances are it is too old and not supported.
Unless you need an older version for some very specific task, I strongly recommend that you use a recent version of Fedora.
To find an older version, start by going through the mirrors to see if you can find a site that is physically closer to you (for faster downloads).
PHP4 on Fedora Core 5
Apparently some developers still require PHP4 on their web servers. The previous method for doing so on Fedora Core 4 (FC4) was to use the FC3 RPM’s. (A formal procedure was provided by the guide: PHP4 on FC4.)
Since the release of FC5, the dependancies and outdated linking from the FC3 RPM packages may be difficult to resolve. It is recommended to recompile the PHP4 SRC.RPM and link it to the running software provided in FC5.
Yahoo Launch on Firefox in Fedora
Fedora users can access full Launch.Yahoo music videos with Firefox. The basic trick is to use the GreaseMonkey Firefox Extension and making use of MPlayer and it’s browser plugin and encoder system.
Watching Streaming Music Videos
First make sure you have MPlayer installed in your Fedora and the mplayerplugin-in working correctly. You can check by going to: about:plugins in Firefox.
Install the GreaseMonkey Firefox Extension. If you are using Firefox 1.
CentOS 4.1 Quick Examination
Since Redhat stopped supporting their commercially available Linux distribution, they moved to an Enterprise Linux Server (RHEL) and left everyone else to use a community effort (Fedora Core). Considering the cost of RHEL, the source packages were recompiled and redistributed. The resulting CentOS is a free binary compatible distribution of RHEL without the proprietary Redhat only software. I have seen some virtual private servers using CentOS for the virtualized operating system.
PHP4 RPMs for Fedora Core 4
EDIT (Dec 19, 2005): I have written a formal guide on PHP4 on FC4.
As a followup to my previous post about PHP4 on FC4, I decided to abandon PHP5 altogether. I spent some time to try and get the PHP4 src.rpm from FC3 to compile correctly in FC4. As it turned out neither the GCC4 nor the GCC3.2 included in FC4 would compile everything properly. So I decided to try GCC3.