Mauriat Miranda     mjmwired

November Rain and Snow

So we had our first real snow fall the day before and lasting through Thanksgiving. Luckily I did most of the outside work the week prior. Even then, it stayed really cold (sub 20 F) for a few days enough to really ice up the pavement. Anyways, this was probably the most crowded jumpy hectic Thanksgiving on file. Big dinner wednesday. Bigger dinner Thursday (the food literally evaporated). And a relative hosted friday. By that saturday I was totally spent. But to make matters worse I had been battling a very minor cold for the past week, but it got really bad over the holiday. I'm coming out of it now. Well slowly I guess.

The sun hasn't shined much for the past few days either and there have been a lot of heavy rains. At the end of November? Well, its better than snow some might argue. And then I'm hearing that the hurricane season may not be over yet and there may still be bizarre weather pattern ahead? I know that the plains were hammered with a terrible blizzard and there is trouble for the Canadian Prime Minister. ... Okay, that was a bit irrelevant, but the common theme is the same: more gloom and doom for the world!

So how to combat it? Well, I can selfishly spend my money and splurge. I'm in the market for a new laptop, but I haven't convinced myself that I really want it. I had no idea that that little hard to use eraser-shaped-pointer-thumb-stick increases the laptop's cost by about $300 to $500! Imagine that. Okay enough rambling, sinus problems bugging me again...

Posted in: Life,


  • Mike on December 4, 2005 ~ 07:19 PM

    but my next rig (upgrade) will be a dual-core system. laptop or not…