Personal Fedora Core 1 Installation Guide

Mauriat Miranda (

Other Guides/Resources

Published: 15 December 2003 (updated: 16 August 2004)

NOTE: The content of this page may be outdated. Links may not be valid and the steps detailed may no longer work. This page is saved for archival purposes only.

New Guides: Fedora 14, Fedora 13, Fedora 12, Fedora 11, Fedora 10, Fedora 9, Fedora 8, Fedora 7, Fedora Core 6, Fedora Core 5, Fedora Core 4, Fedora Core 3, Fedora Core 2

This guide is my personal configuration of Fedora Core 1. I put this page together to provide some common installation tips that I would hope other people would find useful. Keep in mind this works for me, so take care in doing proper backups to critical files whenever trying something.

I did a custom install of Fedora Core 1. I have 3 partitions: a 6GB / main partition, a 10GB /home partition and a 1GB <swap> partition. My boot loader is Grub which is installed on the / partition, NOT the MBR. I use Bootpart from Windows 2000 to load Linux.

Custom Boot Settings

15 January 2004

* I duplicate the entry first entry and remove 'rhgb' which prevents the Graphical Boot Loader from running.
* I add the 'vga=788' to give a larger text console at boot.
* I need the 'hdc=noprobe', since the 2.4.20 kernel and newer seem to have a problem detecting that I have NO hdc disk.
* Add 'nosysinfo' to the kernel line if you'd like to disable NPTL.
edited /boot/grub/grub.conf

title Fedora Core (2.4.22-1.2115.nptl)
        root (hd0,9)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl ro root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi hdc=noprobe
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl.img
title Fedora Core (2.4.22-1.2115.nptl) - Graphical Boot Loader
        root (hd0,9)
        kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl ro root=LABEL=/1 hdd=ide-scsi rhgb hdc=noprobe
        initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl.img

Installed Nvidia Driver

29 January 2004

The Nvidia 1.0-4496 driver doesn't *officially* support FC1. I am not sure if
the 1.0-5328 driver supports Fedora. I chose not to use 1.0-5328, since
there were some reports it has problems with the VIA KT400 chipset (mine).
The 1.0-5336 driver seems to work for me perfectly for Fedora Core 1, with
extra steps (i.e. no "--add-this-kernel").

My recommendation, try the 5336, and if it fails try the 4496.

Login as root to text console  (or F2,F3,F4)
disable X-server, install driver, re-enable X-server:

# init 3

# sh
# sh --add-this-kernel
# sh

EDIT /etc/X11/XF86Config (see below)
# init 5

Changes to /etc/X11/XF86Config

Section "Module"
add (if not already there):
	Load  "glx"
comment out (add # in front of them, if they are there):
        #Load  "dri"
        #Load  "GLcore"

Section "Device"
change from:
	Driver      "nv"
	Driver      "nvidia"

necessary rpms:
	gcc32-3.2.3-6.i386.rpm (CD #3)
	kernel-source-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl.i386.rpm (CD #3)

If you update your kernel, make sure you obtain matching kernel-source
for that specific kernel.

All information available from Nvidia. Read more:

Installed ALSA

29 January 2004

ALSA is the most complete sound driver system for linux. You only need it
if your current sound drivers do not work. For many cards the drivers that
come with the kernel will work correctly. I require ALSA, since the kernel
drivers are not adequate.

Note that ALSA drivers *MUST* match your kernel version (ex: 2.4.22_1.2115.nptl).
Use the 'uname -a' command for information.

Please select the latest version (or the minimum version needed
for your system). When I originally wrote this 1.0.0-rc2 was available:

Get install the following files:

edited /etc/modules.conf
comment out the similar line to:
#alias sound-slot-0 via82cxxx_audio

run 'alsaconf', tell it to configure and edit modules.conf

edited /etc/modules.conf
post-install sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -L >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
pre-remove sound-slot-0 /bin/aumix-minimal -f /etc/.aumixrc -S >/dev/null 2>&1 || :

Reboot may be required if you cannot unload OSS modules (if they already

Note: The above instructions DO WORK without problems however
a better documentation exists here:

Get XMMS to play MP3

15 January 2004

Get: (needed only if you use ALSA)

run xmms:
Options > Preferences > Audio I/O Plugins
MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Placeholder Plugin
==> Uncheck [ ] Enable Plugin

If you want the XMMS status plugin for Gnome, go here:


Install Microsoft Truetype Fonts

15 January 2004

You have to make the RPM, to speed things up I've created the RPM:

rpm -ivh msttcorefonts-1.3-4.noarch.rpm
/etc/init.d/xfs restart

(or just log out and log back in, reboot not required)

If you are NOT running 'xfs' service then you do not need to restart it.

Disable Unneeded Services/Daemons

15 January 2004

Run 'serviceconf', edit running services
disabled a lot:
I can't print (cups, lpd)
I dont use schedulers (cron, atd, anacron)
I use a hardware firewall (iptables)
I dont need mailserver (sendmail)
I dont use pcmcia or isdn (pcmcia, isdn)

You get the idea

Do it for run level 5 *AND* 3, other not necessary

Be careful, do not disable things that you're not sure if need or if you don't know what they are.

Macromedia Flash Plugin

21 April 2004

Up to date notes: FC2: Flash.

Current Version: 6.0.81   (03/15/2004)
RPM Version:     6.0.81-1 (03/15/2004)

Fedora Core 1    flash-plugin (apt, yum rpm)

rpm -ivh flash-plugin-6.0.81-1.i386.rpm

Make sure you are logged into the X server (init 5, runlevel 5)
when you install the RPM.

If using version 6.0.79-2 (or older I assume) then the
following RPM from CD #3 is required

NOTE: GTK-2.x+ Browser Issues

Flash may run incredibly slow.

Run: 'export' before running
Mozilla, Firebird/Firefox or your browser. Or edit your browser
startup script. Example for mozilla (same works for firebird/fox):

Edit '/usr/bin/mozilla' as root
Add 'export'
in the '## Variables' section or anywhere near the top of the file

More info:
Mozilla bug report 219625

Installed Java Internet Plugin

15 January 2004

Download J2SE v 1.4.2_03 - JRE
32-bit/64-bit for Windows/Linux/Solaris SPARC

RPM in self-extracting file  (j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin, 12.95 MB)

sh j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586-rpm.bin
rpm -ivh j2re-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.rpm
ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.2_03/plugin/i386/ns610-gcc32/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/

These are the minimal steps needed to get Java working in the web browser
(Mozilla). More steps may be needed to setup Java for Development or execution
outside of the browser.

Xterm Default Xresources

15 January 2004

Settings, for EVERY user:

edit /etc/X11/Xresources
add at the end:

xterm*visualBell: true
xterm*background: Black
xterm*foreground: Wheat
xterm_color*background: Black
xterm_color*foreground: Wheat

Setup Samba

15 January 2004

Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf
Set workgroup name in [global] section.
To enable blank passwords add the following line in the [global] section:
   null passwords = yes

Added shares at the end of the file:
   path = /mnt/media
   public = yes
   writable = no
   path = /mnt/work
   public = yes
   writable = yes

If 'writable' the location need to be writable in Linux first. Example: NTFS is not writable in Linux.
If home data (all work in /home/username) is to be accessible, set 'browseable = yes' under [homes] (~line 179).

Run samba check for errors:
/etc/init.d/smb start

Use chkconfig or serviceconf to enable samba (smb) in both runlevels 3 and 5.

[root@charon samba]# chkconfig --list | grep smb
smb             0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
[root@charon samba]# chkconfig --list smb
smb             0:off   1:off   2:off   3:off   4:off   5:off   6:off
[root@charon samba]# chkconfig --level 35 smb on
[root@charon samba]# chkconfig --list smb
smb             0:off   1:off   2:off   3:on    4:off   5:on    6:off

Add users who can access these shares with the 'smbpasswd' command.
[root@charon samba]# smbpasswd -a username
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user username.

Restart Samba for every change to users/passwords or 'smb.conf'

[root@charon samba]# /etc/init.d/smb restart
Shutting down SMB services:                                [  OK  ]
Shutting down NMB services:                                [  OK  ]
Starting SMB services:                                     [  OK  ]
Starting NMB services:                                     [  OK  ]

Mount NTFS Partitions

15 January 2004

Either recompile your kernel for NTFS read support. (Hard)
Or obtain the matching the proper kernel module. Again make sure
you have the correct version (ex: 2.4.22_1.2115.nptl). Use the 'uname -a'
command for more information.

Go to
for the module/rpm.
Go to 
for the instructions.

[root@charon fedora]# rpm -ivh kernel-ntfs-2.4.22-1.2115.nptl.athlon.rpm 
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:kernel-ntfs            ########################################### [100%]

The Linux NTFS RPM has been successfully installed.

Please read the NTFS FAQ if you want to know how to:

 * Mount an NTFS partition
 * Change the permissions/ownership of a mounted NTFS partition
 * Automatically mount an NTFS partition


Edit /etc/fstab for automatic mounting of NTFS partitions:

/dev/hda6 /mnt/work     ntfs    ro,defaults,umask=0222 0 0
/dev/hda7 /mnt/media    ntfs    ro,defaults,umask=0222 0 0
/dev/hda8 /mnt/temp     ntfs    ro,defaults,umask=0222 0 0
/dev/hda1 /mnt/win2000  ntfs    ro,defaults,umask=0222 0 0

Run 'mount -a' to mount all partitions.

Install Realplayer

13 February 2004

Up to date RealPlayer 10 Notes: FC2: RealPlayer.

I have documented installation for MPlayer on another guide with included RealPlayer setup.

Download 8.0 Player:

RealVideo 9.0 Information:
RealVideo 9.0 Codecs:
Redhat 9.0/Fedora Issues:

[root@myhost mm]# export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.19
[root@myhost mm]# mv rp8_linux20_libc6_i386_cs2_rpm rp8.linux20.libc6.i386.cs2.rpm
[root@myhost mm]# rpm -ivh rp8.linux20.libc6.i386.cs2.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:RealPlayer             ########################################### [100%]
[root@myhost mm]# gunzip -cf rv9_libc6_i386_cs2.tgz | tar xvf -
[root@myhost mm]# cp rv9/codecs/* /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/'? y
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Codecs/'? y
[root@myhost mm]# cp rv9/plugins/ /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Plugins/
cp: overwrite `/usr/lib/RealPlayer8/Plugins/'? y

For Mozilla plugins:

The rp8.linux20.libc6.i386.cs2.rpm file will install the plugins to:

[root@myhost mm]# cp /usr/lib/netscape/plugins/* /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins

NOTE: Read the Redhat 9.0/Fedora Issues

Due to the NPTL you will have issues running RealPlayer. The following
method was devised to work around these issues. Create an alternate script
for running RealPlayer, so that the kernel variable is set. I've demonstrated

This is an EXAMPLE, depending on how you installed realplayer your files
MAYBE elsewhere. Please use common sense whenever changing things as root!

[mirandam@charon mirandam]$ su -
[root@charon root]# which realplay
[root@charon root]# ls -la /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           30 Dec 16 22:09 /usr/X11R6/bin/realplay -> ../../lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
[root@charon root]# ls -la /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
-r-xr-xr-x    1 root     root      1247004 May 10  2001 /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
[root@charon root]# mv /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay.orig
[root@charon root]# touch /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
[root@charon root]# chmod 755 /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
[root@charon root]# ls -la /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root            0 Feb 13 12:30 /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay

Using your preferred text editor, Edit /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay
it should be empty. Make sure you add the following script code.
Edit as you need or see fit.

# reference:
#	permissions for this script: 755
# This script assumes installation of realplayer 8 via standard RPM.
#	RealPlayer8 should be in: /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/
# Rename 'realplay' binary to 'realplay.orig'
# Place this script as 'realplay' in same directory
# Both RH9 and FC1 can use '2.2.5' for no floating stack support
# For floating stacks RH9 uses '2.4.1', FC1 uses '2.4.19'
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5
exec /usr/lib/RealPlayer8/realplay.orig $1

Test by running 'realplay' at the command line as NORMAL user.
And also test by clicking on a realplayer link in Mozilla.

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Help Out: If you found this guide or any Resource helpful, please consider supporting this site by recommending this page to others or linking to this page. I appreciate all the support I receive. Thank you in advance.

Disclaimer: The author makes no claim to the accuracy of the information provided. This information is provided in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. There is no implied support from referencing this guide. Any help that is provided is at will. Use this information at your own risk. Always make proper backups and use caution when modifying critical system files.

PLEASE DO NOT mirror, translate or duplicate this page without contacting me.

Copyright © 2003-2013 by Mauriat Miranda (